who we serve

Esperanza serves entrepreneurs, women, families, and children. Our commitment is to the poorest of the poor, providing access to capital for those outside of the formal financial sector. Our borrowers typically earn a living wage of $2-4 a day and are vulnerable in their states of poverty. We see potential in our borrowers, and work with those who are under-served, capable, and ready to be equipped with tools that move them toward hope-filled futures.


Business owners of bakeries and corner stores borrower and steward loans to invest in and grow their business.


The poorest of the poor typically earn between $2-4/day. Our services are provided to the most vulnerable and marginalized.


Small loans help improve schools, homes, and businesses which provide for the family. Our products impact women, men and children.


As they are the primary caretakers of the home and family, 84% of our Associates are women.


With over 40% of the population living below the poverty line, our commitment is to those desiring resources for flourishing.


Earning the lowest living wages throughout the country, Haitians make up 48% of our borrowers.

how we determine who to serve

step 1

Our team intentionally travels to communities seeking financial services, usually through the introduction of a local pastor. Upon entering a community, Esperanza conducts an information session to educate entrepreneurs about our microfinance and holistic health and education services.

step 2

If an entrepreneur is interested in moving forward with Esperanza, a Loan Officer meets one-on-one with entrepreneurs to discuss their business plan and eligibility for obtaining a loan. Together, the Loan Officer and entrepreneur map out an appropriate and manageable loan repayment schedule to ensure the future success of that individual.

step 2

If an entrepreneur is interested in moving forward with Esperanza, a Loan Officer meets one-on-one with entrepreneurs to discuss their business plan and eligibility for obtaining a loan. Together, the Loan Officer and entrepreneur map out an appropriate and manageable loan repayment schedule to ensure the future success of that individual.

step 3

Upon completion of the review process, Esperanza helps communities form a Banco de Esperanza repayment group. Solidarity groups meet bi-weekly for loan repayments and Esperanza Loan Officers travel to meetings to facilitate this process along with business trainings and health services.