Esperanza is on mission to free families from poverty in the Dominican Republic. Our collective heart is for the poorest of the poor to experience a fullness of restoration in their growth, development, hope, and dignity. When considering the problem of poverty, Esperanza recognizes it is largely an issue of lack of access to material resources.This is why we begin our poverty alleviation approach by providing financial services to the poor through the process of microfinance. By providing small loans, Esperanza is able to give aspiring entrepreneurs an opportunity to capitalize on the gifts and resources provided to them. With a small loan from Esperanza, entrepreneurs can invest in and grow their businesses and in turn gain revenue which can be allocated towards their child’s education, meal purchases, medical needs and the dignified life they deserve.
It is clear though in Esperanza’s mission that we not only offer microfinance services to our Associates, but also holistic services. One may ask, “Why offer holistic services? Isn’t poverty a simple lack of economic goods?” Steve Corbett in his book “When Helping Hurts” offers a compelling insight to this common question. “If we reduce human beings to being simply physical – as Western thought is prone to do – our poverty alleviation efforts will tend to focus on material solutions. But if we remember that humans are spiritual, social, psychological, and physical beings, our poverty alleviation efforts will be more holistic in their design and execution.” (Steve Corbett, When Helping Hurts)
Esperanza recognizes that though microfinance is a valuable resource and sustainable solution to the physical component of the poverty problem, it does not in isolation attend to the entirety of the problem. If poverty is a psychological, spiritual, and social issue, then while using microfinance to attend to certain needs of the material poor, additional services must be offered to serve the other facets for an individual’s growth. Skills, disciplines, and tools are needed to well-manage a home, family, business and community. Those skills, disciplines, and tools must be nurtured and cultivated through a well-developed resource which equips, teaches, and trains the individuals it serves — that key resource is quality education.
Education is an interwoven component of Esperanza’s comprehensive approach to poverty alleviation. Equal time is spent educating our Associates as is spent distributing and recollecting loans. Esperanza offers education in harmful health and community prevention, vocational training, and business acumen as a core part of our unwavering commitment to an Associate’s move toward a life rid of poverty and full of abounding joy.
Health and Community Education
The first example of an education resource offered by Esperanza is preventative measures against health and community harm. Poverty suscepts one to crisis scenarios, particularly disease. Therefore, Esperanza’s Associates are well-versed on water and sanitation best practices in tangent with the signs and effects of unwanted diseases like Zika and STDs.
Additionally, as unfortunate violence towards women is more common in circumstances of poverty, Esperanza educates our women Associates on the signs of violence and how to prepare a home and environment to defend against such circumstances.
Vocational Training
A second educational resource Esperanza offers is vocational training. Artisan crafts are a valuable business asset and proper cooking techniques equip Associates to provide nutritional meals for their entire family.
Shannon is a friend of Esperanza and professional in her space of culinary training. Shannon will spend ample time preparing meal plans as well as studying affordable and accessible food resources offered in the Dominican Republic at a feasible cost for our Associates. Once the ingredients are curated, Shannon executes a fun and creative course on how to prepare, cook, and serve dishes for an entire family unit. This year Associates learned how to make a delicious pasta dish popular with children of all ages, it was an overwhelming hit!
Business Acumen
The third primary educational tool offered to Esperanza’s Associates is that of business acumen. We teach methods on how to best steward the work of a business in a way that honors God. Esperanza’s “Doing Business God’s Way” curriculum is an 11-lesson, comprehensive piece which covers in full methods on saving, managing, and stewarding business capital. The lessons are offered on a biweekly basis during Banco de Esperanza repayment meetings, and our are facilitated by Loan Officers in a way that is contemplative and interactive.
For instance, while outlining practical methods of setting aside 5% of earnings for saving, Loans Officers will also prompt our Associates with questions to consider prior to a purchase, “1. Do I need it? 2. Do I have money to pay cash? 3. Why do I want it? 4. When can I buy it?.” The trainings will instruct Associates on how to separate family from business expenses as well as map out a practical budget. Business trainings are incredibly valuable in preparing our Associates to not only to prepare for unforeseen scenarios but also to steward their business and resources with excellence.
Education is a powerful tool offered not as a supplement to Esperanza’s poverty alleviation efforts, but as an integral element. It is the secured foundation off of which astute decision making and development can flourish. It is the tool which cultivates readiness. It is in all of its facets a portion of the solution to the poverty problem, offering the utmost hope and potential for limitless growth.
Microfinance is a banking service which exists to serve the material poor in emerging economies. Through this lending process, loans are distributed to entrepreneurs for investment in their business.
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